Soil trials and plant lab tests led to the development of a signature compost product that is used in all of our topsoil mixes. Growsource compost will return nutrients to your land in a safe, usable form; compost and topsoil mixes from Growsource can help bring inert, barren soil back to life.
Growsource’s topsoil blend is perfect for new lawn installations (sod or seed) and a wide variety of landscaping projects. Whatcom County gardeners and professional landscapers alike love this rich, black soil—it’s fertile, virtually weed-free and stays loose and drainable. This topsoil blend includes Growsource’s signature compost that allows the soil to retain moisture without turning to mud. It has a balanced pH and therefore does not need lime.
For optimal performance, add fertilizer based on the recommendations shared in the text boxes below. Click to open.
- Before or at planting. Broadcast sulfur coated urea (42-0-0) at a rate of six pounds per 1,000 square feet. This will last approximately 10 weeks. Alternative: Make it easy by broadcasting a slow-release 14-14-14 fertilizer that will last three to four months.
- In late summer or fall. Resupply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (15-15-15) at six pounds per 1,000 square feet.
Flower and vegetable gardeners are big fans of our garden soil. It is a super mix, rich and black. The garden blend soil from Growsource contains a generous portion of compost—screened to provide a fine, workable finished product. The Growsource garden blend soil will make your neighbors wonder what you did to grow such a bountiful garden and beautiful flowers.
For optimal performance, add fertilizer based on the recommendations shared in the text boxes below. Click to open.
- Before or at planting. Broadcast and incorporate calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) at nine pounds per 1,000 square feet. Alternative: Make it easy by broadcasting a slow-release 14-14-14 fertilizer that will last three to four months.
- 30 days after planting. Add ammonium sulfate, (21-0-0) applied at five pounds per 1,000 square feet. Repeat every 30 to 45 days on heavier feeding vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, corn) or every 45-60 days on lower feed vegetables (beans, most root crops).
- Before planting. Broadcast and incorporate five pounds blood meal (12-0-0) and 10 pounds feather meal (12-0-0) per 1,000 square feet.
- Three months after planting. Reapply blood and feather meal using the same ratio.
- Spring and fall. For continued maintenance, use an organic fertilizer blend such as 5-5-5 that would also supplement phosphorus and potassium nutrition.
Growsource delivers soil for lawns and gardens throughout Whatcom County—from five to 20 yards at a time. Call us to order one of the soil blends described above, or pick up smaller loads at our Bellingham landscape yard: 360-318-8554.